Monday, November 25, 2013

A barrandeocerid section

Shown here is a section of a barrandeocid,, housed in the collections of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science,  Albuquerque, NM,  The specimen, P-56465, is about 8 cm long (about 3 in.).
The interpretation is mine, based  on the close spaced septa and narrow tubular siphuncle.  I have yet to assign a genus name. Location is unknown, but based in the overall color and general texture I'd say it came from the Ordovician of northeastern North America, most likely Newfoundland. 

The first picture, on the left, shows the overall specimen , what's left of it, an arc segment of one of the whorls. The second , below,, shows the specimen in greater detail with the septa and narrow, tubular siphuncle, located slightly below the center, clearly shown. 


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